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Education Forum Celebrates its 50th volume.

Education Forum Logo

The Fall 2023 issue of Education Forum marks the publication’s 50th volume. This momentous achievement is a testament to the ongoing relevance of the magazine and is something worth celebrating. Volume 50 of Education Forum thematically focuses on the privatization of public services and the vital role organized labour plays in fighting the profits-over-service model.

The occasion of Education Forum’s 50th volume also marks the launch of the publication’s new perfect-bound format. To help celebrate this achievement, a limited number (500) special edition versions of the issue are being produced as a package with:

  • Glossier, heavier bond cover
  • Alternate Education Forum nameplate colour
  • Limited edition Education Forum magnetic bookmark
  • OSSTF/FEESO sticker
  • OSSTF/FEESO lapel pin

Access to this special mailout is limited to the first 500 members of OSSTF/FEESO who sign up using this registration link.

Standard versions of this volume in its new format will still be available to the membership through local Branch and Bargaining Unit distribution methods and online at the Education Forum website (as of December 7, 2023).

OSSTF/FEESO congratulates all those who have helped make Education Forum an important publication for over 50 years; we are excited to celebrate this milestone and to continue to promote this valuable piece of OSSTF/FEESO public relations, research, and political action.

Please forward any questions concerning Education Forum to Tracey.Germa@osstf.ca.

Education Forum Covers through the years


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