Application for Educational Services Workshop Presenter Training
OSSTF/FEESO is accepting member applications in both French and English to become a presenter for the following Educational Services Workshops:
- Addressing Anti-Black Racism (AABR) (English only, as we have sufficient numbers of French-trained presenters at this time)
- Managing Conflict (English or French – separate training)
Presenter training will take place in person on April 9 and 10, 2024, in Toronto. Successful applicants are expected to attend this training session. All costs for travel, lodging, and food are covered by OSSTF/FEESO. Given that successful applicants will only be trained in one workshop, applicants interested in applying for more than one workshop must submit two separate application forms and indicate their first choice.
While time release for all training and workshop dates is paid for by the Provincial Office, applicants should verify with their local President that there are no restrictions for time release from their Bargaining Unit. Successful trainees must be able obtain time release from their employer to assist in the delivery of workshops offered across the province. Bargaining Unit Presidents will also be contacted by Provincial Office administrative staff regarding availability of individuals being considered as potential trainees. Individuals who are selected to participate in the training will be notified, along with their Bargaining Unit President, following approval by the to Provincial Executive.
OSSTF/FEESO values the participation of members with various lived experiences. We actively seek and welcome applications from members of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and equity-seeking groups. Self-identification is voluntary. If you choose to self-identify, please complete the Self-Identification Form.
Application Forms
Addressing Anti-Black Racism – English
Voluntary Self-Identification Form
Completed applications should be sent to, and along with a supporting letter of recommendation no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
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