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Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) Women’s Symposium 2024

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The Canadian Teacher’s Federation (CTF/FCE) Women’s Symposium gathers leaders, staff, and members from our member and associate organizations who identify as women. This event provides a unique opportunity for participants to connect, to engage in discussions on what hinders women’s advancement, and to gain the knowledge needed to make fundamental changes in the education sector and society.

With an audience of about 150 attendees coming from every province and territory in Canada, the 2024 symposium will be held in June 2-4, 2024, in New Brunswick at the Delta Hotel City Centre, 225 Woodstock Road, Fredericton.

While the program details are yet to be unveiled, anticipate a lineup of engaging speakers, interactive workshops, and thought-provoking discussions. This symposium aims to foster a supportive community that encourages professional development and personal growth. In addition to hosting an outstanding group of women, the symposium will offer attendees the opportunity to network and to share practical tips and innovative strategies.

Please note the Women’s Symposium is only open to people who identify as women.

OSSTF/FEESO supports CTF/FCE and the Women’s Symposium and has opened ten (10) registration spots for women teacher and education worker Members of OSSTF/FEESO. Registration spots will be given once District/Bargaining Unit approvals are received by Provincial Office staff. Members wishing to attend need to secure time release and submit their application before March 29, 2024.

Please note that District approval and securing time release does not necessarily mean that approval is guaranteed.

Members selected to participate will be able to access funding support in two ways:

A) An application to Account #2015 – Union/Health and Safety Training Programs by the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit.

B) A cost-shared subsidy between the Provincial Office and the participant’s District or Bargaining Unit. Provincial Office will match costs to the District or Bargaining Unit up to a maximum of $1,000 per participant.

The process for applying for this opportunity is to email Tracey.Marshall@osstf.ca to indicate interest, along with an approval from your District or Bargaining Unit President. Expressions of interest are due to Provincial Office by Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Once approved to attend, Provincial Office will give delegates direction to register and information about arranging transportation and accommodations, as needed, for all participants.

For more information about the CTF/FCE Women’s Symposium, please visit https://www.ctf-fce.ca/events/2024-womens-symposium/


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