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Equity Advisory Work Group Vacancies (2024–2025)


The Provincial Executive is seeking to fill two vacancies on the Equity Advisory Work Group (EAWG) for the 2024–2025 Federation year. The EAWG is a permanent advisory body to the Provincial Executive.

The role of the EAWG is to advise the Provincial Executive on any matters related to inclusion and equity within the Federation and any other matters that may be referred to it by the Provincial Executive.

Members of the EAWG can serve concurrently on other OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Standing Committees, Councils and Work Groups. The work group of ten members meets up to four times a year. Provincial Office will cover costs to attend all meetings, including time release, transportation, accommodation, and meals, as per the Federation Activity Allowable Expenditure Guidelines.

Members selected to be part of the work group must be able to secure release time from their employer. While time release for all meeting dates is paid for by the Provincial Office, applicants should verify with their local President that there are no restrictions for time release from their Bargaining Unit. Individuals who are selected to participate on the work group will be notified, along with their Bargaining Unit President, following approval by the Provincial Executive.

Any active member in good standing with OSSTF/FEESO interested in applying to the EAWG needs to complete and submit a brief statement of interest, video, or other document(s) outlining their experience, expertise and interest working towards building inclusive and equitable working/learning environments, as well as any other information that they would like the Provincial Executive to consider.

OSSTF/FEESO is dedicated to equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression, while protecting and enhancing public education. We value the participation of members with various lived experiences and actively seek and welcome applications from members of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, and equity-seeking groups. Self-identification is voluntary. If you choose to self-identify, please complete the attached self-identification form.

Applications may be submitted to Jennifer.Seif@osstf.ca by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2024.

OSSTF/FEESO Voluntary Self-Identification Form

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