Using data to improve your teaching
Proponents of integrating educational technology, “Ed Tech,” into classrooms often point to the rich data produced by educational software and available to teachers. They claim this data can help personalize instruction and improve student outcomes. However, there is not yet evidence that the existence of this data is translating into teachers’ actual use of the data. This is an important question often ignored by those more concerned with the sale of education technology than student learning outcomes.
Areej Tayem, a teacher and a Ph. D. candidate at the University of Ottawa, hopes to help answer this question through a study on how members of OSSTF/FEESO use student data (e.g., grades, attendance, participation, task accomplishment) generated during online courses to adjust and adapt their teaching practices.
OSSTF/FEESO highly values the input of its members who teach online courses. We are encouraging eligible members to participate in a short survey to support this crucial research. Your participation is key to our understanding of how student data is used in online teaching.
The survey is available in English only. To participate, click HERE.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Areej Tayem at
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