2024 Women’s Strike
June 24, 2024, marks two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States. Organizers of the Women’s March on Washington and other women’s marches around the world have joined in solidarity and have declared that June 24 will be the day for an international one-day demonstration of solidarity for human rights and in support of reproductive rights called 2024 Women’s Strike.
There are ways members can participate in this worthwhile event. Here are some ideas for participation.
- Participate in a local picket or walk in your area, but do so on your own time.
- Open your wallet. There are many organizations and companies that do not support gender equality or the belief that all humans in our communities deserve the same rights. You can use your consumer power to boycott those organizations and companies. You can also donate money to a local women’s shelter or transition house, Native Women’s Association or other women and girls’ group in your community.
- Spend money on women-owned businesses.
- Write your local Member of Parliament and demand that reproductive rights are human rights, and that each woman should be able to choose what she does with and to her body.
- Wear red. Choose a solidarity colour that will be worn that day in your community. Red is the colour of solidarity for this event.
- Refuse gender roles and stereotypes. Speak out against gender roles in the home and if you can boycott those roles normally deemed “women’s work” at home, then do so.
- Talk to your friends and family and explain the importance of International Women’s Day, the Women’s Marches and the 2024 Women’s Strike.
- Use social media to educate your contacts. Retweet/repost about actions/marches around the world.
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