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OSSTF/FEESO Supports Life-long Learning

Every year OSSTF/FEESO offers fellowships and grants to members to assist with their educational endeavours. The following are the recipients for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The recipients of the S. Hunter Henry Grant are Amanda Watson, District 29—Hastings-Prince Edward, TBU and Margaret Feltham, District 25—Ottawa-Carleton, SSP (pending). The S. Hunter Henry Grant assists members in their studies at a university or college of their choice.

This year’s recipient of the I.M. (Brick) Robb Fellowship is Stella Kim, District 12—Toronto, TBU. This fellowship assists members with doctoral studies at a university of their choice.

Veronica Fredericks, District 12—Toronto, TBU has been awarded the Dr. S.G.B. Robinson Travelling Grant; a grant that allows members to travel for the purpose of serving education.

There were no recipients for the J.W. Ansley Grant. This grant is designed to assist/support OSSTF/FEESO member’s research projects of a practical nature which are currently topical and the results of which will primarily benefit the classroom practitioner and/or educational programs or curriculum.

The recipient for the Educational Enhancement Grant was Myriam Boucher, District 31—Franco-Nord Ontarien, 60A. The Educational Enhancement Grant assists members with their studies leading to a first undergraduate degree/diploma/certificate at a university or community college of their choice, or in gaining a secondary school diploma from a publicly funded secondary school.

OSSTF/FEESO congratulates all of the applicants and wishes them success in their studies. Application forms and other criteria concerning these fellowships and grants are available at www.osstf.on.ca/awards. The OSSTF/FEESO Educational Services Committee Scholarships & Awards Work Group administers the fellowships and grants.

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please direct your questions regarding these awards to esdawards@osstf.ca or by phone 416-751-8300 or 1-800-267-7867.

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