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Ontario Federation of Labour Convention – Enough is Enough: Workers Strike Back – November 20-24, 2023

The 17th Biennial Convention of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) will be held from Monday, November 20 to Friday, November 24, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily (adjournment of noon on November 24).

As an affiliate of the OFL, OSSTF/FEESO and its Members recognize the important role that a central body can play in uniting labour across Ontario to work together politically and in solidarity. The debates and decisions made during the upcoming convention will significantly impact its future direction.

There will be an election for OFL Officer positions and the various equity caucuses. OSSTF/FEESO wants to send a strong and diverse delegation of representatives from Districts across the province to participate in these debates and decisions.

Specific information about the agenda, candidates, and policy papers, as well as details regarding OSSTF/FEESO caucus meetings and other events, will be forwarded directly to Delegates closer to the Convention.

Equity Seeking, Sovereign, and Young Worker Delegates to the OFL Convention 2023

In addition to the District Delegates, allotted based on full-time equivalent (FTE), Members of First Nations, Métis, Inuit and equity-seeking groups, and/or young workers (30 years and under), are encouraged to self-identify and complete the Expression of Interest Form to inform us of your interest in attending the OFL Convention as an OSSTF/FEESO Delegate.

To be considered for one of up to ten (10), fully funded, equity- seeking, sovereign, or young worker OSSTF/FEESO Delegates, Members must self-identify. Up to ten (10) Members who complete and submit the expression of interest will be informed if appointed to one of these fully funded delegation positions. These positions will not count against their District FTE allotment. Registered Members will be notified in early October.

Please send the completed forms to Nancy.Desjardins@osstf.ca no later than Friday, September 29, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Vanessa.Stoby@osstf.ca.

Expression of Interest Form

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